
Showing posts from August, 2017
THE SILENCE OF THE HEART  ---------------------------------------------- There will be no end of thinking, its been a year we met and we made up of our very first date, After a month from our first date I shifted with him to his place. I didn't know why; but I couldn't stop myself, I fell for him in each and every second, his cryptic smile,his sparkling eyes, his mischievous nature attracted me so badly that I couldn't stopped myself to fell for him,and make me realised that I am not alone now, he is with heart gives a little skip whenever I found him my close, the more I looked at him the more I found how much he is mine, I never thought I'd one day lieing next to him. When I had seen my and his clothes litters everywhere the floor around the bed after the night, my heart goes ummm. But someone said the hard truth of life that is ,nothing is forever, our past always leave their marks on our present, may be after a day or week or month or year, never leave us
                   THE SILENCE OF THE HEART ---------------------------------------------------------------- Lies are the seductively dangerous.  When I continuously making myself out that don't think much,overthinking is really injurious to mental health. But unfortunately it continuously knocking my mind, even after my hardest try it was not taken a single move. It continue with its poking to me. I am struggling with my two minds the first mind says," Is it really okey a night stand at very first date. Wasn't it the biggest mistake in your life." and the second mind says ,"are you certain it was a mistake!".. whenever I see a mark on my neck that's look like a hickey, my heart throbs violently, I cannot forget the pleasant exhaustion a feeling of satisfaction unlike anything I've felt before, this feels heavenly, his fingers stroke my hairs, his hand moves slowly like he is comforting a child. His strong arms pull me close and wrap me up in a
   THE SILENCE OF THE HEART   Today they ll meet, the first date of her life, little tensed little stressed but full of energetic today she is, whom she talked over phone, whom she following in social media finally she ll meet him. The butterflies are juggling in her stomach, she wants to look her best tonight, wanna to be the most desirable lady, she has been checked the time every after 10 minutes, the clock is so slow today ,she thought,he will send the car for her at 8:30 tonight but now only 4:30 of evening. She said herself, "" keep patience Triyi derling don't loose your patience otherwise you ll ruin your date today."" She opens her wardrobe and takes a navy blue colour long frock which she bought in last winter for her cousin sister marriage, everyone of her family said that day she was looking gorgeous.., that confidence make her to wear the same dress for her first date today. Since last three months she is talking with him, whenever she's tal