The Last Summer

After the sexual encounter the man asked his leave from her,when the woman smirkedand said, 'don't worry sweetheart, it's not end of your punishment, trust me I just fuck your every happiness.'!! The man's jaws become tighter and sharp he gave a glance to the woman and take his leave.

Devansh Singh Rathod, "the one of the most business talent " written over a very popular business magazine ,He take the magazin and crashed it out, everything was going so smooth and easy in his paradise and now life has slipped down from his hand. As he started climbing stairs to his bedroom he stopped and glance to the adjacent wall, there's several photographs of his achievements and his family and of course Richie 's. Before the picture is going to suck him inside and destroy what is left he dashed off to his room. He stripped himself and went to the washroom, as he stand under the shower and turned the knob on, the hot water cascaded down his broad shoulder, his muscles went stiff and prominent, his jawline went sharp he felt like spitting on himself, felt a guilt a jot in his stomach, he thought,"" not in this life time at least""!!!.. He standing still with his head bowed down, Devansh felt the helplessness and pain inside him, but he realised one thing,!!if  he doesn't let the past die , the past will never let him live""!!!


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